“Momma Knows Best”
Original Airdate: October 11, 2018
Calling all Grey’s Anatomy fans! This is the episode you have been waiting for, as Meredith goes on her first blind date and some of the Station 19 crew visit Grey Sloan Memorial. While this isn’t the best crossover, there are plenty of juicy moments that only Shonda Rhimes’ shows deliver. Let’s just say Teddy and Jackson are going to need a refresher when they eventually come back.
There’s only one obvious place to start with this episode — and no, the main plot isn’t as important as Meredith’s dating life. Patient CeCe has set up Meredith’s first blind date and has only given her a name and a photo of her match. Meredith is finally happy to comply with the process and shows up at work dressed up for her date that afternoon. Naturally, she catches the eye of every character on the show, but the doctors who have been vying for her attention have the best reactions. Alex is the only person to make fun of Meredith’s date, so they make a bet on how long the date will last. Both think she will hate the guy and only stay for twenty minutes; so maybe Meredith isn’t as open-minded as we all hoped.
Upon arriving to the restaurant for her date, Meredith finds the guy she thinks is her date — John, played by the always wonderful Josh Radnor. While John might not be a hopeless romantic architect living in New York City, he is just as charming as Radnor’s most famous character, Ted Mosby of How I Met Your Mother.
John is divorced, works in privacy technology, and is looking to find someone to fill the void in his life. It was a little surprising to see how fast he and Meredith hit it off, but their similar senses of humor and lifestyles give Meredith a glimmer of hope. They see another couple across the restaurant and start making fun of them, only to realize that the other couple is actually the two dates they were supposed to meet. As Ted Mosby would say, fate intervened and brought John and Meredith together.
They decide to text their initial dates and say that it isn’t going to work out to meet up. Meredith prolongs the date and goes for a walk with John. Everything is going smoothly until John mentions that he doesn’t like dating single moms because they always act desperate on dates and want to move too quickly. Of course, he had no idea that Meredith has three small children, but it’s too late. When she tells him that she has kids and isn’t like that, John instantly realizes he said the one thing that would stop their potential romance in its tracks. Meredith says goodbye and leaves, which is sad considering how well they were getting along.
However, I have a feeling this isn’t the last we will see of John. The character was very into Meredith, and it didn't seem like he wouldn’t back down that easily. Also, it would be odd for someone like Josh Radnor to only be cast for one episode. On the guest starring list at the beginning of the episode, he was listed last as “and Josh Radnor.” So, like Ted Mosby, I will believe that there could be a real connection between Meredith and John, leading to their eventual reunion.
When two shows have a crossover night, I expect that more than three characters from one show will make an appearance on the other. The whole crossover thing was pretty lame this time around, since only Ben, Andy, and Dean from Station 19 make brief appearances in the Grey’s Anatomy hour. Maggie and DeLuca are the only Grey’s characters that extend into the Station 19 hour, so it didn’t feel like a real crossover night. Instead of the characters moving between shows, it was more of both episodes sharing the same main plot. Ben, Andy, and Dean bring victims of a fire to Grey Sloan Memorial for medical care. Bailey sees Ben passing in the hallway and notices that he has a bandage on his left hand. He tells her that he burned his hand on a doorknob and promptly leaves. Next up, Andy and Dean’s patient is a mother suffering from a problem with her heart. Maggie and DeLuca take over the case while Andy and Dean stay with the patient’s young son.
The son wants to know everything that is happening to his mom; but when his dad arrives, he puts the kibosh on the doctors telling his kid anything. Maggie has to deliver the bad news to the father that his wife isn’t going to survive and struggles with the fact that he won’t tell his son that his mother is dying. Poor Maggie doesn’t need any more grief on her plate, but at least she gets a message from Jackson that says he will be coming back soon. She gets some much-needed laughter when Dean hangs around the hospital just to ask her out. In typical Maggie fashion, she doesn’t respond right away.
Maggie is pretty much at her limit for secrets and stress by this point. After talking to Meredith, Amelia, and Andy — who I guess is an honorary member of the sisterhood now — about the problems with the patient, Maggie decides that she can’t withhold the truth anymore. She eventually blabs to Meredith that Teddy is pregnant with Owen’s baby and that no one knows. I’m surprised it took Maggie this long to confess her secret, considering the immediate burden it put on her. On the dying patient front, Maggie brings the husband to his wife to say goodbye, but the man won’t let his son come along. DeLuca takes the boy to the roof to talk to him and pretty much says that his mother is dying. The frightened boy flees the hospital, setting up the next hour of drama on Station 19.
Don’t worry — after falling into Seattle’s underground water system, the boy is eventually rescued by our favorite firefighters and learns the truth about his mom from his father. Maggie eventually turns Dean’s offer down, but he leaves it as an open invitation in case she ever finds herself single.
Personally, I think Maggie should actually go out on a date with Dean. At least it would be a more stable relationship than Jackson can provide at the moment. Also, DeLuca joins the crew of the aid car to help the kid and gets his own nickname from Victoria. DeLuca mentions that he used to be a paramedic, so the stage has been set for more potential crossovers with him.
An overwhelmed Alex decides to take a day out of his new office to be a doctor again and treats another victim of the fire who is suffering from smoke inhalation. Young Julius doesn’t want to stay in the hospital because his mother’s insurance doesn’t cover much. Alex and intern Qadri notice that Julius has a fixable lung condition. Julius rejects their proposed surgery because it is a previous condition uncovered by the health insurance. Alex essentially tells the kid he is being dumb by not having it fixed because it could harm him in the long run.
Richard steps in to help, but doesn’t want to be the rock that Alex needs for the chief of surgery job. Richard tells Alex that he would have to be creative to treat his patient, but Alex takes it too far. He decides to cut the patient with a scalpel and pretend that he has a chest wound that needs surgical correction immediately. Alex commits insurance fraud to help his patient, much to the chagrin of Richard and Qadri. However, Alex feels that he can do whatever he wants because he is the chief.
Those famous last words will surely bite him in the butt sooner rather than later.
The episode also continues the blossoming storyline of Owen and Amelia’s young family. All is well with the on-and-off again couple, who don’t want to put a label on their newly renewed status. Owen and Amelia provide the comedic relief of the episode in the form of their parenting strategies. The funny thing is that Amelia doesn’t even realize that she is being an overbearing mother to teen Betty. Amelia gets upset when Betty comes home presumably high. Like the good parent she is, Amelia freaks out and yells about how a recovering addict can’t do any drugs.
Naturally, Betty denies doing drugs and refuses to talk to Amelia when she is being irrational. Amelia drags Betty to work with her and Owen to force her into taking a drug test (which doesn’t go over very well). Owen spends most of the episode smiling and shaking his head at Amelia’s antics.
Since Amelia will stop at nothing to protect Betty, she calls in reinforcements in the form of Owen’s mom. Evelyn Hunt and Amelia have a good conversation that makes Amelia realize she is a parent and needs to handle the situation appropriately so Betty will grow and learn from it. Amelia eventually gets Betty to confess that she smoked some weed, which leads to Amelia grounding her for one month. Owen laughs while Betty seethes, and the Hunt-Shepherd family continues on! With a bombshell of a secret looming, let’s hope they enjoy their honeymoon phase while it lasts.
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